Saturday, February 28, 2009

The podcast to come

Hi there, my name is Chris, I'm one of the co-hosts of this new radio show and podcast we're calling Money Undressed. I want to let you know a little bit about it before our first episode goes up on Monday.

Kate (our other host) and I are big fans of two radio shows that have got us fascinated with this financial crisis going on around us, essentially. This American Life and Planet Money have done some amazing programs over the last year on what the mortgage crisis was all about, what the problems with credit have been, and a whole raft of other really fascinating and kind of disquieting things about the way our economy works. The two of us talk about this stuff all the time, but since both of these shows are based out of the US, there's lots about our situation here in Canada we're wondering about that they don't talk about. A while back we wrote in to Planet Money asking for some help, but then Kate had a great idea. She said, screw it, let's make our own show.

So every week now, we'd like you to join us as we try to figure out what this crisis looks like, what it's all about, who it's affecting, and why it's happening. We're finding we're learning a lot about some very fundamental things about banks, money, debt and economies that we'd simply never heard about. And we'd like to bring it to you guys in a way that's easy to understand, because one of our goals is to help other people become a lot more comfortable with this stuff.

That being said, the strength of these shows is often the strong feedback and comments from listeners. We're really interested to hear about your questions, topics you want us to cover, people you'd like us to interview... please, drop us a line. Our email address is

You'll be able catch us on Trent Radio in Peterborough, Ontario soon (we're still working out a time slot), here on the blog and very shortly, on iTunes, where you can subscribe to the podcast for free. It's really easy. Thanks for reading, and we hope you'll listen in on Monday.
